Video Testimonials



Keloid Scar Testimonial

In 2006 when I lived in Perth, I suffered from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I was rushed to hospital haemorrhaging severely and lay on a trolley for about 10 hours waiting for a surgeon to be found who was working that night. It was in the public system and finally they found a surgeon who operated to remove the ruptured fallopian tube. He did not bother to operate cleanly as it was an emergency and so I had a massive incision above my belly button which as time went on turned into a keloid scar.
Eleven years later, this year, the scar was bigger than ever.
It looked permanently swollen; it was red; it was also raw and it was very raised and was starting to get very itchy at night. I was actually considering seeing a plastic surgeon to have it removed because it was very painful when it was rubbing against my jeans and my clothes.
This year, I hired a laser for a month from RianCorp. Helen advised me to use it for 1-2 minutes per spot. I actually asked for it because I have severe Achilles tendinopathy and I was using it to try and alleviate pain on my ankle region. After I would work on my ankles for about 10 to 20 minutes each ankle, as I was lying down I just would put it on the scar on my bellybutton- the keloid scar. I would use it for about six minutes on my scar and used for probably 5 to 6 times altogether in the month.
After the very first time, I noticed a difference.
The big raised edges of the scar which I used to pick at were flattening already; it was becoming much less obvious at night time when I was lying down and I would try and touch it. It felt as if the edges were flattening so much that the scar was now connecting back to my skin rather than being completely raised.The other thing I noticed was the redness was disappearing. After I used it five or six times during that first month. I returned the machine to Helen. You can see from the photos the incredible difference with just using this laser for about six minutes each time, for six times in a month. The redness is gone- it is almost completely flat. It's just a very small little area now that you can notice above my belly button and it does not itch at all. I barely notice it. I can't pick at it because the edges are smooth and reconnected back to my skin. The swelling has gone down completely. I think I can honestly say that it's no longer really a keloid scar any more. These photos were taken a month apart.
I can highly recommend this laser for scarring. I can't believe I did this just in my lounge room for a few minutes each time and I didn't have to get it surgically removed.
Thank you so much!